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Unique Weather Solutions for Ag, Energy, Business, & retail.

Writer's picture: David WrightDavid Wright

What AWIS Weather Services does

AWIS Weather Services offers weather forecasting services, generated for humans by humans, real quality-controlled historical weather observations, not satellite generated estimates, and strive to offer the best customer service in the industry. AWIS offers customer driven solutions to any weather related problem a company needs solved.

The Current Landscape

Currently, speed, gap filling, and automation is the direction weather companies want to go in when it comes to offering historical weather data or weather forecasts. Accuweather, The Weather Channel, and Weatherbug are great at reaching the masses with a fire-hose approach and IT support for maximum coverage and pretty pictures. Free weather forecasts are just about everywhere, but lack a human approach to a human related issue.

Company Birth Story

Back in 1996, the Clinton Administration closed a few NWS offices throughout the country, including the agriculture focused location on the campus at Auburn University. A few of the employees at that office were offered jobs at other sites, but ultimately didn’t want to uproot their families and leave The Loveliest Village on the Plains. The solution was Agricultural Weather Information Service, Inc. That team of meteorologists would continue to offer those same Ag products to the world and a small price. The majority of the citrus growing community in Florida jumped at the chance to keep the Ag weather products a reality, so the company survived. Over the next few years the company became AWIS Weather Services after the demand for their weather services grew into other economic sectors. Today, while keeping that original focus on Agriculture in mind, AWIS provides weather solutions for energy, construction, retail analytics, business, consulting, and many other specialized industries.

The Solution

Currently the company houses its own servers and manages its own local network and database of historical weather data from weather observations all over the world, dating back to the mid 1900s. Just like that pivot from Ag to other industries in the past, AWIS is once again pivoting its company to more of a cloud based operation, while keeping that dedication to superior customer service and scientific accuracy. In a day and age of most weather companies making sure the IT support is perfect, data and forecasts second, AWIS is dedicated to customer service and science being the most important concern. The company is made up of a team of meteorologists. Every owner or employee is a meteorologist. Every owner or employee is dedicated to providing the best service possible to every one of their clients. This drive, plus their current push to more of a cloud based operation will catapult AWIS into the future and set them apart from competitors.

A Customer Story

AWIS works with a global logistics company to assure their employees at their terminals and their many truck drivers are safe and prepared for the weather on a daily basis. Each day, terminals across the globe are provided an hourly weather forecast that helps the workers plan their day and prepare for the worst.

The Team Culture

Two of the original owners of the company are still working daily to assure each of AWIS’s clients are happy and protected. One specializes in Agriculture and makes sure crops are protected from frost and freeze, while the other concentrates on the energy sector, assuring houses across the country are heated and cooled at the most of efficient rates. A third owner works daily in all economic sectors to assure customer satisfaction, while also leading the way in tech development for the push to more of a cloud based business. Two employees, noted around the office as “OpMets” or Operational Meteorologists work tirelessly to assure AWIS has quality weather data filling their databases and customers around the globe have accurate, human created, weather forecasts.

A founder quote

“Unlike most weather companies, we’re not simply garbage in, garbage out. We ingest the junk, check it for accuracy and reliability, and deliver only the cleanest, real-world, weather data to our clients. We are here to provide a solution to any weather related problem your company may face.”

- T.R. Risner (VP Advanced Technology)

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