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Leave a lasting impression with a Simply Noted card

What is Simply Noted?

Simply Noted is an automated handwritten letter company that helps businesses leave lasting impressions with their customers and prospects by sending one card or one million.

The current industry landscape

Especially during the pandemic, people want to feel connected again to others. Every single industry is experiencing disruptions and shortages and it’s been taking a toll on workers and consumers. This is why Simple Noted's handwritten notes are gaining momentum. Handwritten notes convey a level of sincere appreciation that email, text, social media, etc. cannot do. Handwritten notes leave powerful lasting impressions that can last days and weeks as the recipient is constantly reminded of the gesture since the note often is saved and displayed in the home or office. Make someone’s day and change the world one smile at a time by picking up the pen, paper and forever stamps.

The creation of Simply Noted

Listening to a lecture in Business School while studying for his MBA, Rick Elmore's professor was talking about success in marketing, and everything was nominal. Then the professor said handwritten notes had a 99% open rate. Rick had an “aha” moment at that time and began to think about how he could help those in business better utilize this marketing strategy to build relationships and find greater success. He put this into action and after receiving an incredible response rate from 500 of his clients, Rick knew there was something valuable here for businesses. After developing the right technology, he launched Simply Noted as an automated and scalable handwritten notes service.

To get his first customers, Rick used his own services. He mailed out letters that were written by Simply Noted's robotics technology to potential leads. At the end of the letter, it said “by the way, this was written by a machine.” When people see how real and great the automated handwriting is, they reach out to them to learn more.

The company vision

At the core, Simply Noted is building personal and meaningful relationships between people, even during a time where advanced methods of communication exist. The team wants to help others express genuine gratitude and Rick is proud of the smiles they inspire when someone receives one of their products in the mail.

In 2021, Simply Noted celebrated sending its one millionth note since the company’s founding in 2018 and was on track to surpass $2 million in revenue. During the 2021 holiday season, they sent more than 250,000 custom handwritten holiday cards to recipients all over the country, more than doubling last year’s holiday numbers.

Customer story

A1 Garage Door Service, a leading national garage door sales and service provider, had great success using Simply Noted to build relationships with existing customers and prospecting for new relationships with key clients and decision makers. Simply Noted's customers appreciate getting a handwritten card. It’s special and customers can’t tell it’s even written by a machine. One of the more successful campaigns the team ran with Simply Noted was a holiday card they sent out to share their appreciation for their support. They got tons of positive feedback and additional business from that one mailing alone. The mailing envelope is handwritten and they get the best open rates out of anything they've tried before so whatever marketing message they put in the envelope they know will get seen.

The team culture

Rick is surrounded by his incredible team and family. Simply Noted started with just 2 people, now they employ 11 team members to help run the business.

Every work day is pretty different. As they have grown so much recently, it is causing the team to spend more time on planning than attending to revenue generating opportunities but it’s important for them to have a hard stop at 5 p.m. to go be with family.

"Going in 2022, I encourage everyone to let others know they are appreciated more often. Choosing to send a handwritten note over an email can make all the difference If people are looking for ways to engage your customers in a personal effective way." - Rick

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