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Could Ransomware Come to an End?

Writer's picture: David WrightDavid Wright

What Cigent does

Cigent offers a new approach to data security for organizations of all sizes to stop ransomware, data theft and achieve compliance. Data is protected throughout its lifecycle via prevention-based defenses embedded into storage and individual files. From decades of data recovery and device sanitization experience, the experts at Cigent have developed prevention methods beyond anything that exists today.

The Current Landscape

Cybersecurity companies exist by the dozens, but there are very few that have been built on 30+ years of data recovery and sanitization like Cigent. Because Cigent is well known for those attributes, building solutions that keeps data safe on endpoints is really within their wheelhouse. Cigent does stop ransomware and keep bad actors from getting into organizations in the first place.

Company Birth Story

Cigent co-founder John Benkert spent 20 years in USAF Intelligence and seven in the NSA where he received the National Scientific Achievement Award for technological innovations in data security. He is the owner of CPR Tools, leading experts in data recovery, forensics, and destruction since 1987.

Recognizing the vulnerabilities in data security solutions including FDE and SEDs, Benkert set out to design a more secure approach to data protection - one that could not be defeated no matter the situation or adversary. He formed a team of experts in storage, data forensics, and cyber security.

Securing funding from In-Q-Tel, the Cigent team has achieved Benkert’s vision of developing the most secure data security solution available.

The Solution

Edge devices have and will always store data. Yet, adversaries have continuously bypassed endpoint security. Cigent Data Security is the perfect solution for anyone seeking effective data security on the edge”

  • Prevention, not detection: Cigent effectively stops attacks, ensuring only trusted users can see and access data using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for file and storage access.

  • As close to the data as possible: Protection in the storage itself and of individual files keeps data safe on PCs and wherever it goes, an approach that is more secure than software-only or policy-based data loss prevention.

  • Data security throughout its lifecycle: From file creation on your PC to complete data and key destruction, all files are protected wherever they go across any device, cloud, network, or application.

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